South tyrol, international guest of 53th edition of UCE (Catalan Summer University).

14 Aug 2021

Autonomy vs self-determination. The case of South Tyrol.

The international focus of the 53th edition of the "Universitat Catalana d'Estiu (UCE)" will offer to its audience an in-depth overview on South Tyrol self-determination fight. The responsable for UCE's international area, Anna Arqué, and this year's international guest: Cristian Kollman, secretary of the Süd-Tiroler Freiheit will conduct this year's 'international conversation'.

Tuesday, 17th of August, 17:00h (Brussels time), in Prada de Conflent. The event will be live streamed on UCE's youtube channel.

We recommend to follow reading to find the comprenhensive PDF file "Autonomy vs Self.determination. The case of South Tyrol".

For further questions or enquiries please email 

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#UCE21 #IntlSolidarity #Freedom

UCE 53th edition poster.

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Freedom campaign stickers: "South Tyrol is not Italian!'